Hi-Viz Waistcoat

The pictures below show one of our three nationally qualified motorbike observers, David Tompsett, wearing his new Hi-Viz waistcoat.  It was felt that we should provide printed waistcoats for all of our bike observers, not only to publicise Mid Wales Advanced Motorists and IAM RoadSmart but also to give a Read more…

AGM Cancellation

Mid Wales Advanced Motorists Group’s 2020 Annual General Meeting planned for Saturday 14th March 2020 was cancelled.  This decision was taken by our officers in the light of the fast-changing official guidance concerning the potential risks posed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  This was considered to be the only viable Read more…

AGM 2020

You are cordially invited by the group committee to the 16th Annual General Meeting of Mid Wales Advanced Motorists which this year is being held at 2:00pm on Saturday 14th March 2020 at the Radnor YFC Centre, 5 Ddole Road Industrial Estate, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6DF.  This is to enable Read more…